Paul Dorrian
7 Feb 2023
Defibrillator Part 1
Last year Annanhill Golf Club became involved in a project to install a defibrillator at the golf clubhouse. The device would be part of the growing nationwide network of these life-saving devices. Having been successful in our application for the equipment through an East Ayrshire Council-led initiative, the formal handover took place at Annanhill.
The device was provided free of charge by Prism Medical Scotland, a health supporting equipment company based in Stirling, who are part of the Prism Medical UK group. Prism Medical Scotland have been involved in a number of similar projects across Scotland.
The defibrillator was handed over by Prism Medical representatives Dawn Robertson and Andrew Wanless to Club Secretary David McGawn and interim club Treasurer Paul Dorrian. Also in attendance were Councillors Reid, Adams and Linton, accompanied by Steve Chipchase and David Doran from EAC, who leads the Council’s Community Defibrillator initiative.